Thursday, June 19, 2008

What happened?

Packed food for 200 families, food delivery to marcolesa, steep hills, medical clinic, vbs, more house constuction, bus adventures, happy faces, tired workers, bruises, more bruises, callouses, trip to emergency room, Paige's foot broken, warehouse organization, long days, short nights, no internet, good food, devotionals on the rock, live web cast 10 pm EST (most days), the spirit in song every day, "do what you were created to do", Be Matthew chapter 25. Let the light shine, be encouraged, run, more steep hills, more blisters, all to God's glory, squirt gun fights, broken hearts, mended hearts, hearts that are hardened, hopeful hearts, faithful hearts, mercy, goodness, servanthood, houses at wrong site, move the wood, hire someone to move the wood again, dont give up, housewarming boxes, tables and chairs, happy faces, grace, crosses from junk, healing the sick, lives without hope,
hope.... more bruises, happy smiles. Feels right. more steep hills, more comfort, more pain, more relief, hope site for 10-10:30 pm devo live stream, most nights.

Be Jesus where ever you are.
Serving Him with you, gayle davidson