Friday, June 20, 2008

Tim Hines and Marc Connell

Perhaps I am a bit prejudiced but happen to believe with all of my heart that I am truly blessed with two great men of God who work with me to make the Torch Trip run in Honduras. They work tirelessly behind the scenes, making sure we have everything we need to have a good experience. It doesn't help them that Gayle's list of things she wants the team to experience would require 20 hour days. This is no easy task in Honduras. Something doesn't work out nearly every hour of every day. People resort to Plan B in the States. We are on plan H by 10 am every morning in Tegucigalpa. I am not sure there are enough letters in the alphabet for the plan changes that occur by the end of the day. It requires patience, knowledge of the country and language and a love of the people we are serving. Tim and Mark have a heart and passion for the work not only for the Hondurans but for the team members who are experiencing life changing opportunities.

The spiritual blessings of Tim and Mark come to us watching them work and hearing them speak from God's word and sing praises to his name each morning and evening as we worship together.

Thank God for their dedication. I am truly thankful they are willing to help with our trip.

Serving together, gayle davidson