Friday, June 14, 2013

Good Samaritan/ El Buen Samaritano

Day 3

Remember how towns are named. How privileged we were to work today in a town named after the Good Samaritan in the Bible. A townswoman told us that it was because they were determined to help each other. At the first home sponsored by the Highland Church of Christ, it was obvious as they townspeople took up most of the hammers and worked all day. The second home sponsored "In Memory of Bud Stone" for Pedro Flores, his wife and 2 small children. They were very excited to be living near their other family members so as to "help" each other. Everyone worked hard and enjoyed being the good Samaritan to a ignored group of people. Praying with the families and giving them a Bible and asking them to surround themselves with the teachings of God was not difficult. They welcomed the value of God in their home.

Thank you Vineta Stone and the Highland church for making possible to be Good Samaritans.