Order out of Chaos by Cindy
Kleckner TORCH June 20, 2012
In the last 2 days we have
built 3 house, handed out 200 bags of food, built a wall and dug trenches at the clinic.
House 2 and 3 went up in Gods Glorious
sunshine. Our theme this trip is
“Radical” Challenging us to reach out
and go beyond our comfort zone. We were
radical today with these 2 houses. Starting with God placing us in what most of
us would think of as a very Chaotic place.
Much different from the sight the day before. This place is a community of hundreds of
people and houses on top of each other, side by side that we had to squeeze
through to pass the lumber to the sights.
But in no time there was Order and everything went as plan. God is