Jessica was married at age 10 and had her first baby at age 11, she has been married for 6 years and has 5 children. Her husband was an electronics wizard and worked in a electronics store. About 6 months ago some men came into his place of employment and shot him three times. He was taken to the government hospital but the injuries were to severe and he and Jessica were transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital for treatment. They were told it would be 8000 limpera ($402 USD) This is a lot of money for a poor Honduran to come up with but they went to save his life with faith that everyone would pitch in to pay the bill. On the way to the second hospital (up the road) the ambulance was blocked in the front and the back by 2 cars and the men set about to steal the ambulance. The driver immediately dove out of the ambulance when the trouble began. Jessica had the choice to stay or go. It was the hardest decision of her life to get out of that ambulance as her husband lay dying . She got out because of the children. She knew they would have no one if she stayed with the robbers. 2 days later his body was found dumped near her house in the village. The torch group was able to build her a house and give her resources to survive with her children. She was prayed with and more resources were delivered later. She thanked God over and over and the Torch group for bringing her hope in a hopeless time. And a big thank you Northpointe Church of Christ in Covington Louisiana for sending the funds to produce the beginnings of her hope. You were there with us in spirit and met the physical needs of a child of God. (Matthew 25)