Our last night in Honduras and our team is surrounded by one of God's greatest creations while we were privileged to hear a lesson on humility. The ocean was all around us on a small dock in Tella Honduras. Our praises went up to God and we sang our hearts out to Him. Tim Hines brought the lesson. We have been leading this group together for 10 years and I've heard multiple lessons when Tim was a youth minister at our congregation. Never have I been more touched by a lesson. As he fell to his knees and crawled on his knees across the dock he talked about how he had a lesson on humility. It seems when in Honduras in January with some CEO's they were visiting a small church in Tegucigalpa. He noticed 2 women as they went into the church, they were on the steps and crawling on their knees into the building while praying. By the time they were finished seeing the church the women had made it to the aisle, huddled together, praying all the way towards their concept of the "throne of God". As they watched, the women made it to the front of the church, crying, holding each other and praying. Tim then later found out that the woman was there to pray to God that he would stop her husband from abusing her. The other woman was there to support her as a friend. Not caring that everyone was looking at them, thinking they were crazy... when all along it was just crazy love...
the reason we came to Honduras to begin with. Gayle Davidson