Today was packed full of a variety of activities. The day started with packing food and loading it into the bus to deliver just a few miles down the mountain. We fed a lot of families but it still seems that we never have quite enough to satisfy the needs of the community. Next we were off to the deaf school. This was my favorite place of the trip. I, being linguistically challenged, took sign language as my 2nd language in high school. For the first time if the whole trip, I was able to really communicate on my own. The kids were so patience and excited to adjust American Sign Language to Honduran sign language. It was such a gift to break down that barrier if only for a few hours of the trip. We signed songs to them and they retaliated. What a blessing it was to experience the innocence of those kids and their hearts for communicating. The rest of the day was filled with what I like to call busy work. We sorted a lot of clothes out to take to the prison and the clinic we are doing in Los Pinos tomorrow. I am definitely worn out but looking forward to the rough day ahead; 3 houses to build and a clinic to run! Should be interesting!