Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Clinica de Esperanza October 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

My trip to Honduras this time was a week of tears and a test of faith but well worth the trip.

The purpose of the trip to Honduras was to talk to my staff at the clinic about funding and possibly closing the clinic in January. My staff and I prayed earnestly together for God's will in this decision. We decided to pray for 3 months and look into the hearts of people interested in medical care for people that don't have any access to healthcare. We talked about God's timing and alot about faith. I have to admit I was pretty short on faith at this point, the worst Ive been in the 4 years we have been open. Gayle was ready to give up and had almost accepted it before it happened. And I have to admit as well, that I am terrible at asking people to help with the finances. It seems that in my head, I think help will come on its own without asking. People will see the need. I was reminded of the scripture "ask and you will receive". (Matthew 7:8)

On the last day 15 people showed up together from different municipalities surrounding the clinic in Santa Ana. We did not know why they came. Just that they found out I was coming through a patient Dr. Olga had taken care of the week before. One by one they stood up and told us through my interpreter, Gina Larios, about what the clinic meant to them. About it being the only place they could get care and medicine. They were there simply to thank us for our part in their lives and to thank God for sending us from so far away to help them. Each person represented a small village near the clinic in nameless "towns" I have never heard of or seen. I'm sure they are down a dirt road somewhere. The man in charge of the largest municipality answered my questions. He said they represented around 3,000 people all together and most did not have transportation of any sort in their villages. We made plans for me to visit each village next time and hope to provide bus transportation (possibly through our IRC buses) to bring the sick to the clinic on a regular basis. For those of you that already support the clinic, I only wish you could of been there to hear each persons testimony to the project. You would of been moved to hear what you have accomplished there through your prayers and support.

My faith began to be restored as they talked of the value of the service they received. Through many tears, I felt ashamed to have ever doubted the project would continue.
And so, we will not be giving up yet....

Tim Hines is in Honduras this week and is also working with the government to provide help for the clinic and our many projects there. I have no doubt he will succeed in this endeavor as he is has built many invaluable ties with people in the places to help us. (Honduran congress, physicians, lawyers, ect.)

I am blessed to have ministry partners like Tim and yourselves that support the work with funds and prayers. The women of purpose group will be working on the bodega while they are there next week. Many Torch groups have come together to help over the summer as well.

Have a week of reflection as you wake up each day to electricity, clean water, transportation, food to eat, and health care that is available.

Thank God that he gave us America to grow up in. Thank God we have the opportunities to serve through our blessings here in the US as we live in comfort each day.

I'm looking for people who are willing to pledge monetary support to keep this program running and the faith to keep going myself. Dr. Olga says, "dont forget to ask for the children, they need antibiotics" We are always short of children's antibiotics. The Kalamazoo group provided for many children this year. The mothers will walk 20 miles with a sick child in their arms, with just the hope that the "clinic of hope" (clinica de esperanza) will help them. Thank you for your prayers and consideration of this worthy project.

Serving Him with you,

gayle davidson
Irc/Torch Missions
Clinica de Esperanza
PO Box 120205
Melbourne, FL 32912