We built houses again today after we took bags of food that we packed out yesterday to a community. It was cool to be able to help them out. We did not have to carry the wood nearly as far today but we had to slide it down a hill to the jobsite. We had to turn it just right to get it in position because there was not a lot of room to work with. Cristine, Allison, Kelsey, Stephanie, myself and some Hondurans got most of it done. I moved so much wood today!!!Then, we got to start hammering. Paul, Alison, Megan and others had been setting up posts while we moved the wood. The walls went up super fast. I even helped with the walls today and needed very little help. I also helped with holding up boards while others nailed the last wall. Our site as right behind the clinic so we were near Miss Gayle all day. There were a lot of kids around. One little girl tried to take my hammer while we did the floors but I took it back. Once we were done, we played with the kids. Our group walked to the popori (store, sortof) and a ton of the kids came with us. I carried one and held hands with the other two.
The girl I carried was socute, let me tell you but I was exhausted by the time we got back to the clinic. It was hard enough climbing the streets without carrying a person. Mostly after that we just walked around holding hands and she wanted lost of hugs. She knew my name. The community is named Nueva Oriental. I hope we see her again tomorrow. Another strange thing happened a guy walked up to the clinic and just collapsed in the road. So. We got miss gayle and she took care of him until we could find him and get him in a truck to medical care. On the way home we stopped at a huge catholic church (Basilicaza) It was gorgous, stained glass, statues, ornate. We walked around for a bit and got to hear our singing. Every time we sang it echoed back to us. It was quite a echo.
It ha also jus been really fun just talking and laughing and being with good friends . I saw Jesus in Maria to day in the way she simply loved me and wanted to be with did not care what I thought, she did not care that we could barely communicate. She just loved me for me.