Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 1 Torch Honduras 2009

June 25,2889

Day one
Sacrifice. It all comes together finally as we make our way towards a common goal. Service. Many have traveled as far away as Michigan and many have not slept in well over 38 hours. All are tired but ready to take on whatever is thrown at us. We arrive to a deluge of rain and flooding in the Tegucigalpa area. This will slow us down but never stop what we came to accomplish for God’s glory. We have Michigan, Florida, Louisiana and Pennsylvania here to fight the good fight and run part of the race. Our group has been called to come on this trip and will be challenged while the are here to change something, ourselves, someones situation, or just a desire to do more for God. Can one willing person doing small acts of service on a mission field change the world? Absolutely. One person can dig a well and save a village. One dollar can save a life. One act of kindness can lead to another and another and another. “If anyone gives a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disiciple. I will tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward. “Matt 10:42" We had an excellent devotional time by our leader Tim Hines tonight. You can log on each night at
They will be around 10 pm EST. You can log in anytime and watch past devotionals. The blog will be
serving Him with you, gayle davidson