On June 16-28th the hands and feet of Jesus will be on the move. (Isaiah 52:7)
Alot of preparation goes into trip before the airplane leaves the ground. This year we were just happy the airplane decided to leave with us.
A team of 52 led by Tim Hines and myself will be on the ground in Honduras. The team consists of members from Florida, Michigan, California, Georgia, Louisiana, & North Carolina. We expect great things as God always provides what we need, when we need it most. Thank you to all of you who have provided jobs and fundraisers to get the team where they need to be. (Oceanside Church of Christ, Melbourne Church of Christ, The Sunday morning pancake team (Dot, Mary & Cindy), Dinah Ellison, Wanda Curington, Paula Zima, Margaret Wahtera, Kristina Anderson, Debby Nickens, Lindsey Tate, David Logue & Carter Caudill and all of the financial supporters) Megan Davidson led meetings and organized many a pill packing party in my home. I am very proud of the servant of God she has become. Nothing would of happened without all of you.
Serving Him with you, Gayle Davidson