Sunday, June 22, 2008

Craig Colburn perspective

Hello I am from the Oceanside church in California and 7 of us have joined this group for a week. After arrival in San Pedro Sula we arrived in Tegucigalpa after a 6 hour bus ride. We went to church in Los Pinos built by past Torch groups which was complete with a "wild ride" on our bus up and down the narrow road. Driving in Honduras is basically a "free for all" with people and cars driving where they want and honking their horn constantly to move up past any obstacle.

Our group with some of the Florida kids got the pleasure of building a home for Augustina and her 6 children. We were exhausted but all that disappeared when we gave her house the blessing and housewarming gift complete with a Bible. It gave us a great sense of making a difference in someone else's life. This is why we came!

Tuesday we went to the Hospital Escuela to visit children with various medical conditions such as brain tumors and spinal abnormalities. The kids at the blind school were great. Deliver of food after another bus ride. Our hearts were aching by the end of the day. The children that were innocent of suffering were beyond description. by Craig Colburn