Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Beauty of Children

Far,far away in the town of Zamarano resides the Good Shepherds Childrens Home run by Greg and Eva Vaughn. When we met they had 60 people in their personal home. Both gave up their lives in the states over 10 years ago to take care of the children.
Now 225 strong and individual homes with caretakers for the children. They are amazing and they all enjoyed VBS supplies sent by Debby Nickens crew. By the end of the day, everyone had a ball catcher and some bubbles.

The torchers handed out soccer shirts, and had water gun fights and played soccer. Todd Wirsch and his Melbourne support team arranged for all of the kids to receive a soccer shirt.

Tim Hines and Stephanie Pagliarulo and Sean Niestrath cooked all 300 of us lunch on the grill. A real treat for everyone.

Back in one of the rooms was a boy named Wilmer... He had just returned from the Hospital Escuela, the poor government hospital in Tegucigalpa. Since Wilmer was 4 years old, he has had a black spot on the heel of his left foot. After several years it became progressively more painful. Over the course of the last 9 years attempts were made to "dig it out". This resulted in a deeper and deeper hole and less use of his right foot. Last week they decided to dig from his heel to his knee to find the problem. Then they decided to cut the top of his leg from his hip to his knee and take a skin graft. Attaching one end to his heel and one end above his ankle. The middle part disconnected. It was the size of a large rope. The antibiotics they sent home were the same ones we use in the states to treat acne. The infection is over whelming. He will probably loose his leg. I would post a picture of it but you would not be able to handle it. I couldn't handle it. You can see both of them them together on the exam table, Wilmer is in the red shirt and his leg is out of view.

Then there was another little boy Jvonni. He just recently came to the childrens home. He only has one leg and a crutch but he can out run anyone at the childrens home and is the goalie for the soccer team. He is also the boy they sent with me to the clinic to interpret for Wilmer. He sat next to him while we took care of the wound.

Wilmer will probably lose his leg soon but he will have Jvonni as an example of how to live happily without a leg. Another example of how God puts us in exactly the right time here on the planet. We had the mediations he needed, thanks to Kingsway Charities. We will continue to support his needs.
As we drove away the children ran to the fence to say their last goodbyes. Many tears
were shed and hearts broken. But they will never forget us and we will keep them with us as we leave this far away place where things are changing slowly, one life at a time.

We will be live tonight at the web connection for Mi Esperanza and devo starting at 9:30 florida time.

Serving Him with you, gayle davidson